Shipping of your parcel
Parcels are shipped within 3-4 business days after confirmation of your order. They are shipped with a tracking number that will be sent to you as soon as your parcel is handed over to the carrier. Orders are delivered free of charge in France, with no minimum purchase required. For international orders, shipping and customs fees may apply, depending on the country in question.
In case of absence, the carrier will leave the parcel in your mailbox. If this is not possible, he will leave a delivery notice so that you can pick up the parcel at the nearest post office or pickup point.
Delivery time
Delivery time ranges from 2 to 4 business days for European shipments. Emmanuelle Khanh cannot be responsible for any unusual circumstances (weather, issues with the carrier, customs) that may cause extra delay in the delivery process.
Delivery times range from 4 to 10 days for international destinations. This timeframe may vary depending on the country and the customs clearance process, for which Emmanuelle Khanh cannot be held responsible in case of any extra delay.
Damaged parcels
A damaged parcel may occur, especially during the final delivery step. If you have received a damaged parcel, please contact us, providing photos of the damaged parcel so that we can find a solution.